Cerdas Finansial - Ramah Lingkungan - Akhlak Islami


alhamdulillah, di tanggal 15 dan 16 Juni 2017, Bumi Inspirasi mendapat kunjungan tamu relawan asing dari 5 negara, yaitu
Mexico, Cina, Thailand, Vietnam, dan India.
Bumi Inspirasi mendapat kepercayaan untuk menjadi partner AIESEC untuk mengadakan Training for Trainers untuk Global Volunteer dalam I Green Project. Lebih dari 15 orang relawan dari 6 Negara mengikuti Training di Bumi Inspirasi. Seneng banget, bisa ketemu sahabat-sahabat bumi inspirasi dari berbagai negara di dunia.
AIESEC is the global youth network impacting the world through leadership development experiences.
Pemandangan baru di Bumi Inspirasi di tgl 15 Juni, karena petugas bank sampahnya adalah Relawan Asing, ada yang bertugas jadi petugas penimbangan sampah, pencatatan, dan bagian pergudangan yang dipimpin oleh relawan dari India yg passionnya nyanyi...dan langsung nyanyi lagu kuch kuch hota hai...he..he..
Pengalaman berharga bagi kami, Tim Bumi Inspirasi, untuk bisa memfasilitasi Training dalam full berbahasa Inggris, mulai dari presentasi, games pilah sampah, micro teaching, games pungut sampah, dan interview dengan warga lokal. Makin seru dgn adanya "prouding applause" alias tepuk saluut...
thanks untuk tmen2 bumi inspirasi yang sudah mempersiapkan training ini dgn lancar...sampai bikin script yang super duper lengkap..untuk simulasi bank sampah.
proud of U all...

 Pict. Penjelasan Three of expectation dari tim bumi inspirasi in english leangue

di  bawah ini testimoni testimony peserta AISEC dari berbagai Negara special untuk Bumi Inspirasi

“In BumiInspirasi we learn how to separated trash, thank you so much. I will prachie this at my home”

“I had a great day today in Tani Kota and BumiInspirasi All the people in here help us and sow us so many interesting things and I’d leant a lots from them everyone is very nice and they always smile to us. I love you gusysomuch”
“It’s very interesting to move training, and real experience with BumiInspirasi. I hope The organization can contine to develop environment – care program to make Bandung, Indonesia, an the world Better !haha^^”
It’s Sonia to see the EP participation J

“the activity we did from yesterday, we really think tat we can help the society from keeping the society clean and the impact of cleanliness is very good we enjoyed”

“I feel the activity here is very meaningful. It things and builds up our sense of 
protecting environment by simple bu interesting games. Thanks a lot !”

“Thank you so much to achnoledge about waste issue and how to manage it or get income from it”

“I love this place I had great experience here with my friends. I learned many usefu things. I love you Guys!
- I come from Vietnam –

“It was very experience I can get a chance to know closely about waste management and environment issues. BumiInspirasi is love inspiration to solve environmental issues. Keep going” J

“very interesting ! we’ve been to some beautiful and interesting places. Seen some cute people”

“BumiInspirasi teach me how to be a good teenager by doing good things such as managing the waste and ask others no to throw the trashes anywhere” J

“Tired but so happy in BSBI”

“We learned a lot to magae trash here, it’s very insprations”

“Thank You, Tani Kota &BumiInspirasi”

“It was soyun, I enjoyed everything we did here” J

“ Learn how to meed fan introduce my self and teach they about trast and so thay know more about bin”

“It was a great experience because we learned many things in a beautiful place first in de middle of the “compat” and then when we walkethiaogo this place and talked  with the ideal people learning about waste”
- Humberto – mexico-

“VN, I love this place, love people here, I know it’s hard to meet guys again, but I’m keep all happy moments I had here, all you do inspire me, a lot. Let’s do our “Bumi” Greens, and wosth – living”
- Love from Vietnam -


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  • Bumi Inspirasi Learning Center

  • Jalan Cisitu Indah VI No. 188 Bandung 40135 - Indonesia
  • E-mail : bumiinspirasi4@gmail.com
  • HP / Whatsapp : 0896-0423-3954
  • Instagram : Bumiinspirasi_lc

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